Red Leaves | Flower Appreciation

There are over 1600 parks and gardens under the management of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) across Hong Kong. Featuring green canopies and seasonal blooms all year round, such parks and gardens draw crowds of flower viewers taking pictures during flowering seasons. Among an array of flowering plants, some species are in particular popular with visitors. To facilitate members of the public to appreciate flowers in a timely manner, we will make available on this website the information on those beloved species, including Red Leaves, Purple Tabebuia, Cherry Blossoms, Yellow Pui, Camel's Foot Tree, Rhododendron, Lotus Flower, Queen Crape Myrtle and Hong Kong Orchid Tree.
Red Leaves

The foliage turns from emerald during spring and summer to red, reflecting the seasonal change to autumn and winter. The change in foliage colour is due to other pigments inside apart from chlorophyll, with both reacting differently to changing climate and environmental conditions. The larger the temperature difference and the longer the duration, the more obvious the colour change. While located in the subtropical region, Hong Kong has many parks planted with those trees reflecting seasonal changes, such as Sweet Gum (Liquidambar formosana) in the family Hamamelidaceae, a native species to Hong Kong which can grow as tall as 30 metres. Besides, foliage of Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) in the family Taxodiaceae, with height growing up to 40 metres , will also be turning orange brown before falling down.