Rhododendron | Flower Appreciation

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There are over 1600 parks and gardens under the management of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) across Hong Kong. Featuring green canopies and seasonal blooms all year round, such parks and gardens draw crowds of flower viewers taking pictures during flowering seasons. Among an array of flowering plants, some species are in particular popular with visitors. To facilitate members of the public to appreciate flowers in a timely manner, we will make available on this website the information on those beloved species, including Red Leaves, Purple Tabebuia, Cherry Blossoms, Yellow Pui, Camel's Foot Tree, Rhododendron, Lotus Flower, Queen Crape Myrtle and Hong Kong Orchid Tree.



Scientific Name : Rhododendron spp.

Renowned for its stunning beauty in the floral kingdom, it is an evergreen shrub in the family Ericaceae widely distributed across East Asia and South East Asia. Rhododendrons found in Hong Kong has a long flowering period, typically from March and May, bearing single or double-flowered flowers in bright colours as diverse as white, red, light pink, orange to purple, creating different combinations of patterns.  All blossoms at the same time, giving a splendor which leaves us spellbound.

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